TAPA is pleased to announce that registration is now open for sponsorships and exhibit space at its 2025 conferences. As you are making your marketing plans for the year, we hope you’ll include exhibiting at a TAPA CME conference. Partnering with TAPA is a quick and inexpensive way to grow your business or sales territory, and/or educate many PAs at once about your company’s products and services.
NEW THIS YEAR: Spring Fling will be a fully virtual conference. On Friday, April 25 and Saturday, April 26, TAPA will live stream CME lectures for attendees. Virtual marketing opportunities are outlined below.
The packages below allow companies to bundle their sponsorships and exhibit booth to stretch their marketing dollars.
- Up to three (3) promotional slides in the Spring Fling virtual materials
- Booth space at FallFest conference
- Full page advertisement in each conference program
- Full page advertisement in the March and September issues of PA Pulse, TAPA’s quarterly newsletter
- Listing on sponsors page on TAPA’s website with a link to your company’s website
- Up to two (2) promotional slides in the Spring Fling virtual materials
- Booth space FallFest conference
- One-half page advertisement in each conference program
- One-half page advertisement in the March and September issues of PA Pulse, TAPA’s quarterly newsletter
- Complimentary listing on sponsors page on TAPA’s website with a link to your company’s website
- One (1) promotional slide in the Spring Fling virtual materials
- Booth space at FallFest conference
- One quarter page ad in both conference programs
- One-half page advertisement in the September issue of PA Pulse, TAPA’s quarterly newsletter
- Complimentary listing on sponsors page on TAPA’s website with a link to your company’s website
In addition to the sponsorship packages, TAPA also offers individual sponsorships and exhibiting at FallFest. Below are the opportunities, along with pricing and details.
Spring Fling
- Spring Fling presentation sponsorship: $500. During the 1-hour meal break on Friday and Saturday, companies can provide a 15-minute virtual presentation.
- Spring Fling slide sponsorship: $250 for up to three (3) slides, $200 for up to two (2) slides, $150 for one (1) slide in the PowerPoint presentation streamed to virtual attendees during breaks.
- Product Theatre sponsorship: $1500 sponsorship fee plus cost of food and beverage, room rental, and audio visual for a meal break at FallFest.
- Welcome Reception at FallFest: Sponsor an off-site reception at a location of your choice, providing heavy hors d’oeuvres and drinks. Sponsorship recognized in conference program and schedule.
- Tote bags: $2,000. Includes company branding on the tote bag at FallFest plus one (1) insert in the tote bag
- Badge holder: $1,500. Includes company logo printed on FallFest badge holder.
- Continental breakfast in FallFest Exhibit Hall: $1,500. Includes signage in Exhibit Hall recognizing sponsorship and recognition in the conference program.
- Breaks in FallFest Exhibit Hall: $1,000. Includes signage in Exhibit Hall recognizing sponsorship and recognition in the conference program.
- Bag inserts at FallFest: $500 (limited to three) Inserts include up to one 8.5 x 11” insert to be placed in the tote bags by TAPA. Company is responsible for providing the insert.